
Group: Egyptian

Name: Anubis

Age: 32

Species: Vueporian

Gender: Female

Weapon(s): Soul Staff

Allies: Egyptians

Physical characteristics: Muscular woman with the head of a jackal. She was covered head to toe in short black fur like on a dog. Often wearing a white pristine kalasiris as if they had just been made.

Backstory: Anubis and her fellow explorers travelled the stars for years looking for new intelligent life. Then one day they came across Earth an unusually planet. They landed in a desert where they were greeted by the inhabitants of the planet, humans, who instantly saw Anubis and her companions as Gods. Just after a few months Anubis and her fellow explores, now Gods, had helped advance the humans but they had to go. They had helped as much as they thought needed. They now need to find new life out in the stars and help them as they had helped the humans. As the humans developed over the centuries Anubis and her fellow Gods became fiction. Anubis and her fellow explorers are known by many planets across the universe and it is to be believed that they still travel to this day going from planet to planet helping and documenting.

By Scott (Creator of Character Files)