Group: Fantasy
Names: Mia (Me-aa) and Tiger
Nicknames: Me Me Mo Mo and Tiger Tots
Age: 8 and 6
Birthday: 16 June 1012 and 10 March 2014
Species: Cat
Gender: Females
Weapons: Claws and Teeth
Enemies: Mia (Mi-aa) and Lion and their dog army
Allies: Murphy, Dobster, Bixi and Puddleg
Backstory: Rescues from the kingdom Londinia from a cruel and harsh cat seller. They managed to escape during a bulk selling and onto the streets of a far of kingdom called Riverfall. It was here when they were picked up and trained by Grand Master Fluffy. They had a blissful life training other cats. But this would not last as Mia and Lion – once trained by Mia and Tiger – had trained an army of dogs and set out to destroy Mia and Tiger to show that they were the true masters. Now Mia and Tiger are on the run fighting for their survival.
By Scott (Creator of Character Files)