Victoria Roberts

Group: Egyptian

Name: Victoria Roberts

Nickname: V

Age: 17

Birthday: 6th June, 1826

Species: Unknown

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Weapon: A Bastet encrusted dagger her father gave to her

Physical characteristics: Long blonde hair with bright green eyes, roughly 5ft9in, often dresses in a black dress, with a black rose attached to her hair; she wears black boots, with her dagger tucked inside. She’s beautiful, but mysterious.

Backstory: It was 1843 in England, Liverpool, and Victoria was walking up street to grab bread for the house. As she strolled among the crowds of people, she heard loud, booming trumpets. The earth shook. And yet, the people in the streets stood still – unaffected. She frantically looked around for help, noticing the colour of Earth draining from everything. She let out a scream, and yet no one batted an eye. It was as if she was invisible. Then they appeared. 3 tall pharaohs presented themselves arched around in front of her as she knelt to the floor. They pointed, and spoke a language which was so scrambled, yet still ominously understandable. As the 3 pharaohs chanted, Victoria felt her head begin to throb in excruciating pain, thoughts flew by her mind, each one connecting to a new nerve ending. Knowledge of so much more than Earth filled her temple. She then collapsed from her knees, and laid motionless upon the cold floor. She had been gifted with the curse of knowledge, and cursed with imperceptible immortality.

By Harvey W